Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 22-Oct-2024 00:05 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 314722
Total Files 308021
Total Pages 283612
Total Visits 2851
Total KBytes 10366105
Total Unique Sites 2902
Total Unique URLs 563
Total Unique Referrers 232
Total Unique User Agents 2205
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 437 1037
Hits per Day 10490 14754
Files per Day 10267 14623
Pages per Day 9453 12336
Sites per Day 96 210
Visits per Day 95 147
KBytes per Day 345537 814256
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 97.87% 308021
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.12% 390
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 38
Code 302 - Found 0.01% 36
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.11% 343
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.01% 30
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 2
Code 404 - Not Found 1.85% 5827
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 35

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 6923 2.20% 6605 2.14% 6131 2.16% 124 4.35% 191 6.58% 354712 3.42%
2 8552 2.72% 8263 2.68% 8221 2.90% 96 3.37% 155 5.34% 272674 2.63%
3 9000 2.86% 8740 2.84% 8433 2.97% 131 4.59% 210 7.24% 219959 2.12%
4 9056 2.88% 8518 2.77% 8323 2.93% 135 4.74% 187 6.44% 160467 1.55%
5 9322 2.96% 9139 2.97% 8681 3.06% 109 3.82% 186 6.41% 377817 3.64%
6 8842 2.81% 8606 2.79% 8261 2.91% 99 3.47% 182 6.27% 626698 6.05%
7 9518 3.02% 9308 3.02% 8737 3.08% 103 3.61% 141 4.86% 182922 1.76%
8 9847 3.13% 9632 3.13% 8802 3.10% 105 3.68% 147 5.07% 509866 4.92%
9 9830 3.12% 9711 3.15% 8913 3.14% 108 3.79% 137 4.72% 638201 6.16%
10 9522 3.03% 9284 3.01% 8612 3.04% 101 3.54% 138 4.76% 293065 2.83%
11 10214 3.25% 9960 3.23% 9495 3.35% 136 4.77% 193 6.65% 252103 2.43%
12 10711 3.40% 10355 3.36% 9527 3.36% 95 3.33% 162 5.58% 424338 4.09%
13 10107 3.21% 9830 3.19% 9453 3.33% 147 5.16% 145 5.00% 212602 2.05%
14 9891 3.14% 9738 3.16% 9295 3.28% 84 2.95% 137 4.72% 200467 1.93%
15 9891 3.14% 9769 3.17% 9371 3.30% 86 3.02% 132 4.55% 162245 1.57%
16 9978 3.17% 9831 3.19% 9436 3.33% 100 3.51% 145 5.00% 174513 1.68%
17 8450 2.68% 8298 2.69% 7860 2.77% 78 2.74% 114 3.93% 148669 1.43%
18 3360 1.07% 3209 1.04% 2762 0.97% 86 3.02% 140 4.82% 246599 2.38%
19 10400 3.30% 10148 3.29% 9567 3.37% 103 3.61% 162 5.58% 241375 2.33%
20 10376 3.30% 10140 3.29% 9600 3.38% 71 2.49% 124 4.27% 591583 5.71%
21 11231 3.57% 10906 3.54% 10279 3.62% 134 4.70% 210 7.24% 299561 2.89%
22 11623 3.69% 11495 3.73% 10837 3.82% 83 2.91% 164 5.65% 214098 2.07%
23 12484 3.97% 11832 3.84% 11145 3.93% 79 2.77% 159 5.48% 249721 2.41%
24 13283 4.22% 13156 4.27% 11655 4.11% 67 2.35% 129 4.45% 332521 3.21%
25 14332 4.55% 14189 4.61% 11901 4.20% 75 2.63% 125 4.31% 391097 3.77%
26 14469 4.60% 14336 4.65% 12077 4.26% 59 2.07% 128 4.41% 814256 7.85%
27 13775 4.38% 13678 4.44% 11415 4.02% 69 2.42% 122 4.20% 639552 6.17%
28 14754 4.69% 14623 4.75% 12336 4.35% 107 3.75% 184 6.34% 386424 3.73%
29 12769 4.06% 12653 4.11% 11420 4.03% 75 2.63% 128 4.41% 225706 2.18%
30 12212 3.88% 12069 3.92% 11067 3.90% 72 2.53% 124 4.27% 522296 5.04%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 428 12847 4.08% 420 12623 4.10% 384 11539 4.07% 7351 220527 2.13%
1 416 12494 3.97% 406 12193 3.96% 380 11403 4.02% 12800 384000 3.70%
2 405 12176 3.87% 399 11976 3.89% 371 11142 3.93% 7238 217151 2.09%
3 417 12518 3.98% 407 12222 3.97% 379 11370 4.01% 10963 328879 3.17%
4 408 12249 3.89% 401 12037 3.91% 376 11309 3.99% 7035 211061 2.04%
5 403 12108 3.85% 399 11981 3.89% 376 11286 3.98% 7666 229989 2.22%
6 415 12470 3.96% 406 12198 3.96% 378 11354 4.00% 20001 600040 5.79%
7 421 12654 4.02% 412 12364 4.01% 382 11487 4.05% 26862 805863 7.77%
8 432 12980 4.12% 414 12423 4.03% 389 11695 4.12% 16502 495073 4.78%
9 418 12565 3.99% 412 12361 4.01% 375 11253 3.97% 14402 432066 4.17%
10 413 12407 3.94% 406 12193 3.96% 381 11453 4.04% 6501 195035 1.88%
11 423 12699 4.03% 414 12426 4.03% 390 11729 4.14% 7920 237611 2.29%
12 415 12461 3.96% 409 12284 3.99% 385 11556 4.07% 8953 268600 2.59%
13 415 12451 3.96% 406 12189 3.96% 386 11592 4.09% 17858 535751 5.17%
14 420 12629 4.01% 405 12158 3.95% 385 11561 4.08% 16176 485295 4.68%
15 424 12748 4.05% 411 12352 4.01% 389 11695 4.12% 13611 408338 3.94%
16 428 12843 4.08% 419 12582 4.08% 392 11782 4.15% 13816 414476 4.00%
17 433 13007 4.13% 427 12817 4.16% 396 11908 4.20% 11293 338791 3.27%
18 493 14814 4.71% 486 14581 4.73% 428 12847 4.53% 20333 609979 5.88%
19 517 15511 4.93% 490 14728 4.78% 436 13109 4.62% 17983 539488 5.20%
20 481 14434 4.59% 474 14238 4.62% 419 12591 4.44% 23275 698251 6.74%
21 484 14540 4.62% 478 14341 4.66% 420 12627 4.45% 14519 435575 4.20%
22 487 14616 4.64% 479 14388 4.67% 423 12706 4.48% 32059 961781 9.28%
23 483 14501 4.61% 478 14366 4.66% 420 12618 4.45% 10416 312482 3.01%

Top 30 of 563 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 250634 79.64% 1309936 12.64% /
2 19604 6.23% 132629 1.28% /Forum.asp
3 8375 2.66% 82941 0.80% /reports/
4 4746 1.51% 534528 5.16% /reports/usage_202401.html
5 4746 1.51% 516656 4.98% /reports/usage_202404.html
6 4743 1.51% 525130 5.07% /reports/usage_202403.html
7 4741 1.51% 518491 5.00% /reports/usage_202402.html
8 870 0.28% 72744 0.70% /reports/usage_202406.html
9 842 0.27% 4823 0.05% /Bulletins.asp
10 838 0.27% 91754 0.89% /reports/usage_202405.html
11 382 0.12% 1393 0.01% /Contact.asp
12 346 0.11% 1759087 16.97% /pdfs/The_Scribbler.pdf
13 261 0.08% 1659 0.02% /Links.asp
14 241 0.08% 1210776 11.68% /Archives/Archive of Vimy Branch 145 Volume 2.pdf
15 236 0.07% 1312 0.01% /Executive.asp
16 152 0.05% 799 0.01% /base.css
17 148 0.05% 5982 0.06% /images/logobar.png
18 137 0.04% 1848 0.02% /About.asp
19 135 0.04% 688 0.01% /Welcome.asp
20 133 0.04% 414 0.00% /Sports.asp
21 128 0.04% 607 0.01% /Poppy.asp
22 123 0.04% 701 0.01% /Joining.asp
23 117 0.04% 436 0.00% /Activities.asp
24 115 0.04% 437 0.00% /Musings.asp
25 111 0.04% 521 0.01% /Services.asp
26 102 0.03% 106690 1.03% /Forum/Disability Benefit Class Action Notice.pdf
27 98 0.03% 15329 0.15% /Forum/Only in the Backwoods of Ontario.pdf
28 97 0.03% 771 0.01% /Links.Garrison.asp
29 96 0.03% 7820 0.08% /Forum/A Happier Moment in the Middle East.pdf
30 88 0.03% 508 0.00% /Bulletins.OfTheYear.asp

Top 10 of 563 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 346 0.11% 1759087 16.97% /pdfs/The_Scribbler.pdf
2 72 0.02% 1667723 16.09% /Archives/Archive of Vimy Branch 145 Volume 1.pdf
3 250634 79.64% 1309936 12.64% /
4 241 0.08% 1210776 11.68% /Archives/Archive of Vimy Branch 145 Volume 2.pdf
5 4746 1.51% 534528 5.16% /reports/usage_202401.html
6 4743 1.51% 525130 5.07% /reports/usage_202403.html
7 4741 1.51% 518491 5.00% /reports/usage_202402.html
8 4746 1.51% 516656 4.98% /reports/usage_202404.html
9 51 0.02% 267226 2.58% /Forum/Vimy Oaks Repatriation Project- 2017- Update.pdf
10 14 0.00% 243340 2.35% /Archives/Archive of Vimy Branch 145 Volume 3.pdf

Top 10 of 105 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 250634 79.64% 1441 54.65% /
2 838 0.27% 152 5.76% /reports/usage_202405.html
3 870 0.28% 46 1.74% /reports/usage_202406.html
4 8375 2.66% 34 1.29% /reports/
5 4743 1.51% 33 1.25% /reports/usage_202403.html
6 71 0.02% 32 1.21% /reports/usage_202308.html
7 4741 1.51% 28 1.06% /reports/usage_202402.html
8 27 0.01% 21 0.80% /reports/usage_201710.html
9 41 0.01% 19 0.72% /reports/usage_202309.html
10 46 0.01% 19 0.72% /reports/usage_202312.html

Top 10 of 105 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 250634 79.64% 1001 45.23% /
2 838 0.27% 152 6.87% /reports/usage_202405.html
3 870 0.28% 50 2.26% /reports/usage_202406.html
4 8375 2.66% 48 2.17% /reports/
5 4746 1.51% 31 1.40% /reports/usage_202404.html
6 71 0.02% 28 1.27% /reports/usage_202308.html
7 27 0.01% 21 0.95% /reports/usage_201710.html
8 39 0.01% 21 0.95% /reports/usage_202307.html
9 4741 1.51% 21 0.95% /reports/usage_202402.html
10 4746 1.51% 20 0.90% /reports/usage_202401.html

Top 30 of 2902 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 248778 79.05% 248778 80.77% 1300447 12.55% 20 0.70%
2 22661 7.20% 22661 7.36% 1327714 12.81% 29 1.02%
3 14936 4.75% 14936 4.85% 875148 8.44% 3 0.11%
4 8307 2.64% 8307 2.70% 82268 0.79% 5 0.18%
5 1012 0.32% 339 0.11% 1728631 16.68% 0 0.00%
6 862 0.27% 861 0.28% 61861 0.60% 1 0.04%
7 643 0.20% 643 0.21% 48831 0.47% 31 1.09%
8 477 0.15% 0 0.00% 104 0.00% 1 0.04%
9 262 0.08% 257 0.08% 14371 0.14% 5 0.18%
10 232 0.07% 0 0.00% 50 0.00% 1 0.04%
11 217 0.07% 210 0.07% 12191 0.12% 1 0.04%
12 207 0.07% 205 0.07% 181867 1.75% 2 0.07%
13 206 0.07% 198 0.06% 116704 1.13% 3 0.11%
14 196 0.06% 192 0.06% 82368 0.79% 2 0.07%
15 195 0.06% 194 0.06% 107484 1.04% 0 0.00%
16 177 0.06% 100 0.03% 112035 1.08% 10 0.35%
17 164 0.05% 160 0.05% 1136 0.01% 5 0.18%
18 158 0.05% 152 0.05% 10517 0.10% 1 0.04%
19 140 0.04% 0 0.00% 30 0.00% 4 0.14%
20 139 0.04% 114 0.04% 75408 0.73% 40 1.40%
21 132 0.04% 111 0.04% 2737 0.03% 51 1.79%
22 130 0.04% 80 0.03% 6987 0.07% 15 0.53%
23 130 0.04% 0 0.00% 28 0.00% 3 0.11%
24 126 0.04% 78 0.03% 6976 0.07% 15 0.53%
25 124 0.04% 74 0.02% 5646 0.05% 17 0.60%
26 122 0.04% 76 0.02% 6964 0.07% 17 0.60%
27 118 0.04% 118 0.04% 10146 0.10% 28 0.98%
28 114 0.04% 66 0.02% 4294 0.04% 10 0.35%
29 111 0.04% 71 0.02% 6935 0.07% 17 0.60%
30 110 0.03% 64 0.02% 4283 0.04% 16 0.56%

Top 10 of 2902 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1012 0.32% 339 0.11% 1728631 16.68% 0 0.00%
2 22661 7.20% 22661 7.36% 1327714 12.81% 29 1.02%
3 248778 79.05% 248778 80.77% 1300447 12.55% 20 0.70%
4 14936 4.75% 14936 4.85% 875148 8.44% 3 0.11%
5 11 0.00% 11 0.00% 400431 3.86% 0 0.00%
6 88 0.03% 82 0.03% 381841 3.68% 1 0.04%
7 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 258104 2.49% 0 0.00%
8 207 0.07% 205 0.07% 181867 1.75% 2 0.07%
9 21 0.01% 20 0.01% 163252 1.57% 0 0.00%
10 13 0.00% 12 0.00% 156784 1.51% 1 0.04%

Top 30 of 232 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 49267 15.65%
2 49259 15.65%
3 49232 15.64%
4 49232 15.64%
5 49020 15.58% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
6 37597 11.95%
7 12919 4.10% - (Direct Request)
8 8315 2.64%
9 856 0.27%
10 751 0.24%
11 622 0.20%
12 604 0.19%
13 604 0.19%
14 600 0.19%
15 556 0.18%
16 555 0.18%
17 553 0.18%
18 552 0.18%
19 552 0.18%
20 475 0.15%
21 261 0.08%
22 237 0.08%
23 175 0.06%
24 156 0.05%
25 121 0.04%
26 113 0.04%
27 75 0.02%
28 70 0.02%
29 60 0.02%
30 56 0.02% Benefit Class Action Notice.pdf

Top 6 of 6 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 9 34.62%
2 6 23.08%
3 4 15.38%
4 4 15.38%
5 2 7.69%
6 1 3.85%

Top 15 of 2205 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3318 1.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
2 3292 1.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
3 3280 1.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
4 3197 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
5 1763 0.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
6 1681 0.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
7 1677 0.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
8 1668 0.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
9 1648 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
10 1645 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 1639 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Herring/95.1.
12 1635 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 1635 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
14 1634 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
15 1632 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 314722 100.00% 308411 100.13% 10366105 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23